Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Out of the mouth of babes



Helmet of Salvation

These are a few responses I have gotten from 3 and 4 year olds over the years.  From my notes:


"God gave us mommies and daddies to take care of us when Jesus is tired."


After the story of Peter finding money in a fish, I asked, "Where do we usually get money?"

Child, "We get money from the bank and grocery store.  When we get it from the grocery store, it is called change."

 Another child, "From the store, bank, my piggy bank, Grandpa, and we find it."


Me, "On day four, God made the sun, moon, and stars."

Child, "How do they stick?"

Another child replied, "God made them stick up in the sky."  (With sound effects.)


After the story of Samson being strong as long as he didn't cut his hair, I asked them if having long hair usually makes you strong.  If that were true then that would mean that whoever had the longest hair would be the strongest.  We figured out who had the longest hair in class, and decided that was no indication of strength.  (It was only true for Samson, and it was a secret.)

Me, "If you are strong, what can you do?"

Child, "Pick up some big mountains."

2nd child, "Pick up a swimming pool?"

3rd child, "You can't pick up a swimming pool cause it's stuck."


My second question, "How can we get strong?"

Child, "Eat food."

Me, "What kind?" 

Child, "Carrots."

Another child, "Drink milk and water."



After the story of Hannah praying for a baby.

Child, "She can have my pink baby."



After the story of  Mary and Joseph finding no place to sleep, baby Jesus is born.

Child, "Jesus can have my bed.  I'll sleep in the the floor."

I realized that most of the kids in class had a baby sibling.  I asked one child, "Don't you have a baby at your house?"

Child, "No, we brought him to church."