Saturday, October 5, 2019

Adam & Eve, Genesis 2-3

Our Trees for the Garden

Digital Resources - YouTube

Digital Resources - Apps
  • The Beginner's Bible App  StoriesAdam & Eve (Genesis 2); The Sneaky Snake (Genesis 3) (This app is good for several reasons.  As the text is read, each word is highlighted, so it's excellent for beginning readers.  This is an app version of The Beginner's Bible, so it's good to have the printed book for kids to use at home too. In class we wait until the text has been read and then take turns with the interactive parts.)
  • Bible for Kids App StoriesThe First Sin (Genesis 3:1-24)

Print Resources
  • Beginner's Bible, "Adam & Eve," page 14 and “The Sneaky Snake,”  Page 18
  • Read with Me Bible, "The Garden of Eden," page 10; “Adam & Eve,” page 13; “Adam & Eve Disobey God,” page 14
  • It’s Not My Fault:  Man’s Big Mistake by Marilyn Lashbrook
  • I Can Read! Series, Adam and Eve, God’s First People
  • The Beginner’s Bible Tab Book Series, Adam and Eve
  • Online Stories that you can print for free by Lambsongs
  • Guideposts 2 Series, Adam and Eve by Penny Frank

Prop Resources
·        Adam & Eve – use trolls
·        “Clothes” for Adam & Eve
·        “No-No” Tree  and other trees for the garden
·        Animals and water props
·        Snake
·        fruit for


Adam and Eve, “What did God say?”

There’s a tree in the middle of the Garden.
There’s a tree in the middle of the Garden.
There’s a tree. There’s a tree. There’s a tree. There’s a tree.
There’s a tree in the middle of the Garden.

Verse 1:
Don’t eat from that tree in the middle.”
Don’t eat from that tree in the middle.”
God said. God said, God said. God said.
Don’t eat from that tree in the middle.”


Verse 2:
Eve ate from that tree in the middle.
Eve ate from that tree in the middle.
Eve ate from that tree. Eve ate from that tree.
Eve ate from that tree in the middle.

Verse 3:
Adam ate the fruit that Eve gave him.
Adam ate the fruit that Eve gave him.
Adam ate the fruit. Adam ate the fruit.
Adam ate from that tree in the middle.


Verse 4:
Have to leave the Garden of Eden.”
Have to leave the Garden of Eden.”
God said. God said, God said. God said.
Have to leave the Garden of Eden.”


Sneaky Snake Song
Tune:  Skip to My Lou
God made Adam, then made Eve,
God made Adam, then made Eve,
God made Adam, then made Eve,
They lived in the Garden of Eden.

Eat the fruit from any tree,
Eat the fruit from any tree,
Eat the fruit from any tree,
Except the one in the middle

The sneaky snake told a lie,
The sneaky snake told a lie,
The sneaky snake told a lie,
You don’t have to mind God.
Say:  WHAT?!  Is that true?  No!

Eve took a bite from the No-No tree,
Eve took a bite from the No-No tree,
Eve took a bite from the No-No tree,
And shared a bite with Adam.

Adam and Eve didn’t mind God!
Adam and Eve didn’t mind God!
Adam and Eve didn’t mind God!
Did they really love Him?
Say:  The Bible says that if you love God you will keep his commandments.  That means you’ll mind Him.

Adam and Eve had to move away,
Adam and Eve had to move away,
Adam and Eve had to move away,
The Garden of Eden is closed now!

Middle – Where is the middle?  Where does the No-No tree belong?