Prop Resources
- army men
- bowl of water
- Old Testament flip chart
- mirror
Story: Naaman and Elisha, II
Kings 5
Tell the story using plastic people and singing the Naaman Song. (See below.)
Show pictures from Read with me Bible: An NIV Story for Bible
Children, pages 210-213 to see what leprosy looks like.
Show page 213 to show Naaman’s attitude. Ask students how Naaman is feeling. Discuss why he is mad. (Elisha didn’t come out to talk to Naaman in
person. Elisha gave him “silly”
Discuss what Naaman might have tried to get well before coming to
see Elisha. (Doctor, medicine, creams—kids
use lotion, etc.)
Show page 214 and discuss how Naaman’s skin was healed and looked
like a small child’s skin (Bible says a young boy’s skin.) Compare teachers’ skin with children’s skin. Children look
in mirror.
Story Activities
Reinforce names
Naaman sounds like you’re going to say “name”.
There were 2 men in the Bible that had similar names: Elijah and Elisha. Elijah is like Eli /j/ JUMP. Elisha is Eli /sh/
. (Put fingers to lips in “sh” sound.) Person in our story is EliSHa.
Have students take turns dipping Naaman (plastic people) in a bowl
of water 7 times. Everyone counts.
Discuss what a river is like.
Explain that glass bowl of water is more like a swimming pool.
Identify which Fruits of the Spirit the little girl who
told “Mrs. Naaman” about Elisha showed.
Show I & II Kings picture and explain that this story is in I
& II Kings (actually II Kings).
Give students army men.
Remind them that Naaman was an army man.
Ask them if their army man has a Sword of the Spirit, Breastplate of
Righteousness, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation, or Gospel Shoes of Peace.
Do deep knee bends 7 times while counting. Celebrate after 7th knee bend – no
Naaman Song
Tune: Mary Had a Little
Naaman was an army man, army man, army man
Naaman was an army man
Tough as he could be.
BUT . . .
Naaman had leprosy, leprosy, leprosy
Naaman had leprosy
It was sad to see.
A little slave girl knew what to do, what to do, what to do.
A little slave girl knew what to do.
She told Naaman’s wife.
Naaman listened to his wife, to his wife, to his wife,
Naaman listened to his wife.
Found out what to do.
Elisha was a man of God, man of God, man of God,
Elisha was a man of God
Naaman went to him.
Elisha sent a message out, message out, message out,
Elisha sent a message out.
Told him what to do.
Naaman was so mad at first, mad at first, mad at first.
Naaman was so mad at first.
He didn’t want to listen.
Finally, he agreed to dip, agreed to dip, agreed to dip,
Finally, he agreed to dip
In the Jordan
7 times.
Naaman Song, add verse to “Ruth, Ruth, She knew the Truth”
learned the truth.
learned that there is one God
learned the truth.
learned that there is one God