Monday, September 29, 2014

Creation through Day 3

September 21 and 28, 2014 we reviewed Days 1and 2 and learned about Day 3 of Creation.

All was dark.  (Genesis 1:1)

On Day 1, God made the light.  (Genesis 1:3)

There was water everywhere.  (Genesis 1:1)

On Day 2, God made the clouds and sky. (Genesis 1:6-7)

On Day 3, God made land -- dirt and sand.  (Genesis 1:9-10)

On Day 3, God made the seas too.  (Genesis 1:9-10)
On Day 3, God made plants too.  (Genesis 1: 1-12)

Helmet of Salvation

September 21 and 28, 2014 we learned about the Helmet of Salvation.

Helmet of Salvation, Ephesians 6:10-17

A helmet protects your brain.  Your brain is the size of your two fists together.

(Chant and motion placing a helmet on your head.)

I have the HELMET OF SALVATION on my head.

Sword of the Spirit

September 21 and 28, 2014

Sword of the Spirit, Ephesians 6:10 - 17

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Jesus Says Activity

Ms Jan plays "Jesus Says" with kids.  It is just like "Simon Says."

At the end of the game, she says, "Jesus says to come unto me."  All the kids run to her.  They love this game.  Hopefully, we are subtly introducing the idea that they should pay attention to what Jesus and God say to do . . . No one thinks Ms Jan is Jesus do they?

9/14/2014 Class

We did so many things today!
  1. Kids dressed up in pieces of the armor of God.

This soldier has the Sword of the Spirit, the Helmet of Salvation, the Shield of Faith and the Breastplate of Righteousness on.  Still need the Belt of Truth and the Gospel Shoes of Peace.  We'll get that in another picture later.

We talked about where their brains and hearts were in their bodies and how big they are.  (Brain is the size of 2 fists; Heart is the size of 1 fist.)  Explained that the Helmet of Salvation and the Breastplate of Righteousness are so important because they protect the brain and heart.  (I need to take a stethoscope to class next week.)

2.  Watched "The Beginning" (~4 minutes long) from Read and Share DVD Bible, Vol. 1.  In the video it shows hands creating man.  We talked about God using words to create things, and so that part might not be right.  Told them that God made all the land animals and the first man, Adam, from dirt.  He might have made the other animals out of dirt too, but we don't know for sure.

3.  Explained the picture clues for the New Testament books Matthew - Romans.

4.  Emphasized what God made on Days 1 and 2 and what it looked like.  Mentioned that God made light on Day 1 but didn't make the sun until Day 4.  The light may have been Jesus. (John 1 talks about Jesus being the light.)

5.  Donuts -- Teachers pick up a few extra donuts on the way to class in case child(ren) don't have one.  Today, students had to use a full sentence and ask for a donut.  They needed to say, "Please," but no one had to be told that.  (Yea!)  I asked them if they were glad that they had a donut.  I explained that when you are glad, you are thankful.  That conversation lead to talking about prayer.
Several of the students prayed, giving thanks, and mentioned specific things God had made.  One guy was grateful for books too.  :)

6.  Work -- Work is a good thing.  God worked and then he rested.  Adam's first job was to name all of the animals.  As we get bigger, we will help at home by doing jobs or working.

7.  Showed them the envelope that was going home with them today.  They didn't know what it was called so I told them that it was a "paper pocket" and was called an envelope.  Fun things can go in pockets and fun things can go in envelopes.

8.  Sang the "Day One" song.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

SONG Resources

SONG Resources for "Fish Class" Parents

These are some of the songs we sing in class.  We want you to be able to sing these at home too, so we are providing you with resources to do that.

The links below will help you if you don't know the tunes
 The links below are the lyrics and pictures for the songs.  We will also give you print copies.


Song Lyrics and Melodies for Sunday School Resource


My God is so Great - Use hand motions that go with lyrics

My God is so great, so strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do.
My God is so great, so strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do.

The mountains are his, the rivers are his, the stars are His handiwork, too.
My God is so great, so strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do, for you!

 Creation Songs

Day One, Day One
God made light when there was none.

Day Two, Day Two
God made clouds and skies so blue

Day Three Day, Three
God made land and plants and seas

Day Four, Day Four
God made sun and moon and stars galore

Day Five, Day Five
God made birds and fish alive

Day Six, Day Six
God made animals and man that day

Day Seven Day Seven
God rested in his heaven


Day One Song
All was dark.
All was dark,
And then God made the light.
The light he called the DAYTIME and
The darkness he called NIGHT


Jesus Songs

Where is Jesus? Song
(“Where is Thumb-kin?” Tune)

Where is Jesus?
Where is Jesus?

He’s in Heaven.
He’s in Heaven.

Building us a mansion.
Building us a mansion.

Bang! Bang! Bang!
(Pretend to hammer.)

Who is Jesus? Song
(“Where is Thumb-kin?” Tune)

Who is Jesus? 
Who is Jesus?

He’s God’s son.
He’s God’s son.

Jesus is God’s son!
Jesus is God’s son!
Yes, he is!